Jafar Sidik Officially Inaugurated as Chairman of Apdesi Malangbong Ditrick for the 2025-2030 Tearm

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Portal Warta Bela Negara, Garut – January 31, 2025 – The District Leadership Council (DPK) of the Indonesian Village Government Association (Apdesi) of Malangbong District has officially appointed a new leader. Jafar Sidik, the Head of Cikarang Village, was unanimously elected and inaugurated as the Chairman of Apdesi Malangbong District for the 2025-2030 period. The inauguration was carried out by the Chairman of the Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of Apdesi Garut Regency, Drs. Oban Sobana, replacing the previous leadership of H. Asep Gunawan.


In his speech, Oban Sobana emphasized that Apdesi is not just an organization for village heads but also a body that represents all village governments, from village heads to village officials. He highlighted that Apdesi plays a strategic role as a coordination platform, an advocacy body, and a problem-solving entity for the villages in the district.


“We feel concerned and saddened that many still do not fully understand what Apdesi is. Perhaps because its benefits have not yet been widely felt by the community. Therefore, I hope that the new Chairman of Apdesi Malangbong District, Jafar Sidik, can continue to innovate, foster unity, and build good communication so that Apdesi can bring real benefits to the people,” said Oban Sobana.

Jafar Sidik Officially Inaugurated as Chairman of Apdesi Malangbong Ditrick for the 2025-2030 Tearm


The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Malangbong District Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimcam), including the Malangbong Sub-district Head, Undang Syaripudin, S.Sos., M.Si. In his remarks, he congratulated Jafar Sidik and expressed his hope that the new leadership would be more loyal, progressive, and united in carrying out the organization’s duties.

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“We are like fish in an aquarium, always being watched by the community. Therefore, we must prove that Apdesi Malangbong District truly brings benefits to village heads, village officials, and the people,” said Undang Syaripudin.


The event was also attended by the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Malangbong District, K.H. Zuhria, who expressed his full support for Apdesi’s role and presence in the region.


With this new leadership, it is hoped that Apdesi Malangbong District will continue to grow and make a tangible contribution to the progress of villages in the area.


(Abah Rohman)

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